The contest takes place every-other year, alter-nating annually with the United States Cheese Championship. Entries from all over the world are accepted and divided into classes, then judged on a scale ranging from one to one hundred by industry experts and some of the field’s finest professors. The top three scores in each category are recognized for their excel-lence, with the top spot receiving the title of World Champion. This year’s competition is the largest ever, with a record 3,667 submissions from 26 countries. Gug-gisberg Cheese took second place in the Swiss category, missing first place by .10 of a point to Switzerland. They also took second and third in the Baby Swiss category, also missing first place by .10 of a point.
Richard Guggisberg, President of Guggisberg Cheese, says it’s been a lifelong goal of his to place ahead of Switzerland, since they are the best in the world at crafting Swiss cheese. Swiss is the most difficult of cheeses to make, and hundreds of years of experience developing the perfect combination of art and sci-ence needed to produce a perfect wheel gives Switzerland its unbeatable reputation. The grading process is also quite difficult, as the eyes or “holes” in the cheese are an incredibly important aspect, and also difficult to perfect. Guggisberg will keep trying for that first-place spot, but until then, are grateful for their second-place win. The Swiss category is the same grouping in which the company took first place and received the overall Grand Champion title at the 2020 United States Championship.